Here are 7 Reasons why you should become a member of Intelligent Cryptocurrency today

dretermi set
3 min readOct 5, 2021

1 — ROI potential

Let’s face it… although our focus is on education and support, most people want one thing, and that’s an ROI.

The projects we’ve covered in our monthly newsletters have almost all at least doubled in value since their respective newsletter edition. Some of the projects we covered have gone on to make more that 40X.

Many of my own personal buy and sell movements I share in real time with members have done more than a 2x (sometimes in a matter of weeks).

I make no promises that you’ll make a single penny, but based on the track record, there’s huge upside potential from the research and information I share with members.

2 — Network

Ever heard the saying, “your network is your net worth”?

When you become a member of IC you’ll join our community of over 1100 crypto investors from around the world. You’ll be able to interact with them in our forum and chat group, ask questions, make friends…

Can you even put a price on how much this is worth?

3 — Guidance

Crypto is constantly changing and can be difficult to navigate. If you don’t have hours a day to follow the latest trends it could cost you in a big way.

Inside IC you get the summaries and most up to date info handed to you to be able to save you time and keep you on top of what you need to know to make better decisions.

4 — Support

Got a question about the markets? About a coin? About a technical procedure?

As a member you can simply post your questions in our community and get answers or guidance almost instantly.

5 — The bullrun is closing in on a top

It’s been 17 months since the last Bitcoin halving in May 2020. This means there might only be a few months left of this entire bull run before the cycle peaks and we enter a new bear market (and the market drops 80%+).

This is the reason why I’m closing the doors to new members on the 15th of this month because I believe that after that it just becomes too risky to get started investing into the crypto markets. I believe there’s still time now to get involved in crypto, but the window of opportunity is closing… fast. That’s why you need to join now, or wait until the next bull market cycle (which may only be in a few years from now).

6 — No hype, no BS.

There’s so many hypesters and marketers in the crypto space who all make crazy bold claims in their sales material just to get you to buy whatever it is they’re selling. I really dislike that, because their products and services are mostly a fraction of the hype they make it out to be.

With me, what you see is what you get. Everything I tell you that you get as a member is exactly what you get. I’ve spent a few years creating the content and systems and community inside IC and I believe there’s simply nothing else that compares to what you’ll get as a member.

7 — There’s NO risk to you

And finally, the last reason you should join today is that there’s a 60 day refund period so there’s absolutely no risk to you.

You have no downside to becoming a member today, there is only upside potential.

I don’t know any other program or service in the crypto space that offers a refund policy like this and the only reason I can offer this is because I know what I’ve created inside IC is worth MUCH more than what I’m charging for it.

Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself :)

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